$25 First Visit Intro Offer Includes 1 week of medication
Lose Weight, Get Healthy, and Feel Great Doing It!
Begin your journey to a healthier weight and healthier life today. An Affordable Medical Weight Loss Program
About A Better Way Health Center
  • About
    A Better Way Health Center is a preventive medical weight loss program with goal to achieve and maintain a healthy weight without hunger.

    Our focus is on weight loss through developing a healthy diet and exercise habits,
    so that weight loss is not only achieved, but also maintained.

    We prescribe the medication phentermine.
    • 24 years experience
    • 21,000 participants
    • 230,000 office visits
  • What is A Better Way Health Center program ?
    A Better Way Health Center is a behavior-modification program
    1. Participants meet with registered dieticians and physician.
    2. Our program emphasize
    • focus on dietary education
    • self-monitoring
    • use of real foods
    • weight loss history
    • reinforcing progress
    • one on one coaching
    • ID eating triggers
    • ID bad eating habits.

    We do not
    • practice psychotherapy
    • delve into participant’s private lives
    • have public weigh-ins
    • mandatory group discussions.
  • How A Better Way Health Center Program Works?
    Program participants experience losing substantial amounts of weight and successfully keeping weight off.

    Certain habits are related to weight control success.
    By developing these habits,
    tailoring specific behaviors,
    to optimize long-term weight control.
Typical Office Visit
  • A typical office visit takes about sixty minutes.
  • Participant first checks in with the front desk.
  • Participants fill out a computerized questionnaire about current diet physical activity level response to medication general physical health.
  • Participants meet with registered dietician, who checks weight, blood pressure diet and progress-to-date diet tips, Monthly Goals to work on.
  • Participant meets the physician, who reviews diet, physical activity, and explores how phentermine is working for participants making adjustments in dosage.
  • On their way out at the front desk. Prescription filled, Schedule Next appointment, Participant makes payment.
What is the Average Weight Loss I Should Expect to See in the Program?
  • What is the Average Weight Loss I Should Expect to See in the Program?
    Weight loss phase
    Participants complying with program
    average weekly weight loss
    • 1.5 to 2 pounds
    • 1% of body weight

    Transition to weight maintenance phase
    To support new weight with proper
    • diet
    • exercise habits
    • calorie intake
  • Program produces permanent weight loss only if combined with
    • dietary modification
    • increased physical activity
    • medical aide Phentermine
    • Registered Dietitian & Physician instruction
    • Follow-up appointments
Ozempic vs Phentermine Comparison
  • Ozempic vs Phentermine Comparison (drugs.com 2/4/25)
    • Rating 8,7
    • Reviews 3013
    • Positive effect 84%
    • Negative effect 5%
    • Rating 6,6
    • Reviews 1421
    • Positive effect 53%
    • Negative effect 24%
  • Phentermine's popularity as #1 prescribed weight loss drug
    Until recently due to Ozempic marketing spend.
    $491 million ad campaign 2023
    $401 million in 2022

Program Cost
  • Program Cost
    $125 Monthly Program cost

    • Physician
    • Registered Dietician
    • Month supply of phentermine. Standard dose 30 /37.5 mg dose
    • $20 extra if participants require more then standard dose

    Payment on a visit-to-visit basis,
    • no contracts to sign
    • No hidden fees.
    • We do not ask you to buy food or other products.

    Program costs could be
    • deductible as medical expenses
    • or reimbursable by employer-sponsored flexible payment plans
    • or medical savings accounts (cafeteria plans)
  • How Often Do I Come in for Appointments?
    Program Participants should come in at least monthly. If participant prefers more frequent visits every two or three weeks we prorate fees
  • When Can I Get an Initial Appointment?
    Call 952-285-8000 to make appointment.
  • Appointment Hours
    Monday: 8 am to 8 pm
    Tuesday: 8 am to 8 pm
    Wednesday: 8 am to 4 pm
    Thursday: Closed
    Friday: Closed
    Saturday: 7:30 am to 1 pm
    Sunday: Closed
Why Use Phentermine to Help with Weight Loss?
  • Why A Better Way Health Center Uses Phentermine to Help with Weight Loss?
    Causes of obesity can be seen more as a chronic disease with biological and behavioral underpinnings, similar to diabetes or hypertension.

    Just as medications are now being routinely used to treat conditions such as depression or smoking, which were once also thought due to poor behavior or moral failings,

    Obesity recognized as a health condition is poorly controllable through behavior alone, can benefit from phentermine in combination with behavioral change.
  • How Does Phentermine Work?
    Phentermine works by Reducing calorie intake by
    • reducing hunger and
    • slowing gastric emptying, decreasing the calorie intake needed to feel satiated;
    • speeding up the metabolism, to a slight degree.

    Phentermine effectively decreases appetite to levels below those normally experienced.
    A markedly decreased appetite makes a calorie-restricted diet much easier to follow, which aids in the weight loss process.

    Primary effect on the hypothalamus, which is a very deep part of the brain responsible for hunger, thirst, as well as influencing arousal levels and sleep.
  • What is Phentermine?
    Phentermine is a prescribed weight loss aid, for participants in a physician supervised weight control program. Phentermine is approved by FDA for treatment of clinically overweight or obese

    Phentermine, the most popular and effective prescription weight loss medication available today!

    The highest-rated FDA-approved weight loss medication available today!
  • When should Participants Consider Phentermine?
    Phentermine can be considered by
    • clinically obese BMI >= 30;
    • overweight BMI >= 27 with obesity-related health risk factors, such heart disease, colon, breast, endometrial and prostate cancers, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis.

    Phentermine can be considered after
    • attempts at losing weight without a medication aide either through a formal program and/or self-dieting have proven ineffective.
    • after consultation with a physician, including a medical history and a physical exam
Side Effects Phentermine
  • Side Effects Phentermine
    When Phentermine is used correctly, under proper supervision by Physician and Registered Dietitian, phentermine is a very safe medication with low incidence of side effects.

    Under our program results, by 4 weeks into the program, persisting side effects for participants
    • 10%: dry mouth
    • 2%: dry mouth, sleeplessness, constipation.
    As tolerance to Phentermine continues to build, these side effects continue to gradually subside.

    Dry mouth
    • most common side effect
    • one which lingers the longest.
    • manageable by drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum.
    1. next most common side effect
    • having a hard time falling asleep
    • awakening early in morning and not being able to get back to sleep.
    2. This occurs primarily in the first week of Phentermine use subsiding to the level of a nuisance; however, for some patients it can linger for a few weeks, diminishing gradually over this time.

    • occurs fairly frequently
    • lingers for some,
    • managed by water & fiber intake.

    Mild headaches, restlessness, anxiety, irritability and occasional heart racing
    • not uncommon in first few days of starting the program
    • usually subside quickly throughout the first week.

    Dizziness with sudden standing, blurred vision, hesitancy in starting urination (in men), and occasional gastrointestinal upset when taken on an empty stomach.
    • Other side effects are rare and usually mild when they do occur
Is Phentermine Addictive?
  • Is Phentermine Addictive?
    Phentermine is an FDA Schedule 4 controlled substance with minimal abuse liability.

    Majority of participants have no significant euphoric effect, high, nor craving.

    Tolerance develops over time with lessening side effects & appetite suppressant.

    If abrupt drug discontinuation, participants would experience rebound hunger and fatigue. But no severe withdrawal symptoms of sort associated with nicotine or caffeine cessation.

    Of more concern are development of psychological dependence on Phentermine, to which participants are using medication in lieu of developing good health habits.
Can I use phentermine for longer than three months?
  • Can I use phentermine for longer than three months?
    1. Phentermine is the most commonly used drug for treating obesity. Although approved only for short-term use, US physicians have used it successfully for long-term since its initial approval in 1959. This drug, used off-label for long-term, has proven to be safe and effective, far safer than the disease it is used to treat. LINK
    2. Phentermine abuse or psychological dependence (addiction) does not occur in patients treated with phentermine for obesity. Phentermine treatment does not induce phentermine drug craving, a hallmark sign of addiction. Amphetamine-like withdrawal does not occur upon abrupt treatment cessation even at doses much higher than commonly recommended and after treatment durations of up to 21 years. LINK
    3. Long-term phentermine therapy does not induce phentermine cravings. Symptoms observed after abrupt phentermine cessation represent loss of therapeutic effect and are not withdrawal. LINK
    4. Long Term Phentermine for Weight Loss. LINK
    5. In multivariable models, longer-term users of phentermine experienced more weight loss; patients using continuously for > 12 months lost 7.4% more than the referent group at 24 months (P < 0.001). LINK
What Dose of Phentermine Do You Prescribe?
  • What Dose of Phentermine Do You Prescribe?
    One pill per day.
    Dose size 30 or 37.5 mg

    Unless otherwise indicated by participants past medical history,

    On return visits, based on physician experience, dose may need to be adjusted
    • Up for persisting hunger
    • Down for persisting side effects.
  • How Often and When Should I take Phentermine?
    When starting out,
    Taking 1 phentermine per day,
    Dose size 30 or 37.5 mg is adequate for all-day hunger control.

    By Taking Phentermine at 9 or 10 am, hunger control
    • takes effect by lunchtime
    • lasts through dinner
    • wears off by bedtime
  • Is There Any Way of Telling How I will Respond to Phentermine, Other Than by Trying It?
    Phentermine Response Indicators

    Stimulant medications, caffeine and OTC decongestants
    • If sensitive, low dose
    • If tolerant, increased dose

    Close relatives have similar tolerance.

    Body size is not a predictor of response.
  • If Tolerance to Phentermine’s Effects Build, Does Phentermine Quit Working After a Period of Time?
    Phentermine tolerance builds up over time to appetite suppressant effects.

    Dose titration done under a physician’s guidance.
    Tolerance increase compensated by gradual titration of dose to provide all-day appetite control.
  • On Days That I Have Forgotten to Take Phentermine, I Am Still Not Hungry. Why is That?
    Participants do best by taking prescribed Phentermine daily.

    Phentermine takes
    • 3 to 5 days to build up in system
    not feeling full effect until being on it for several day

    • 3 to 5 days to wash out of system
    if a day is missed, quite a bit left in the system.
  • What Over-the-Counter Medications Should I Avoid if I am Taking Phentermine?
    If taking Phentermine,
    • We advise caution using OTC stimulant medications,
    • Decongestants (Pseudoephedrine) have blood pressure checked
    • Caffeine
    • Avoid all products containing Ephedrine.
  • Can I Use Phentermine if I Have High Blood Pressure?
    A history of high blood pressure is not an exclusionary condition to the use of Phentermine;

    We check blood pressure every visit

    Prior to beginning program
    Blood pressure needs to be under control
    • systolic < 135 mmHg
    • diastolic < 85 mmHg
  • Can I Use Phentermine if I am Taking Thyroid Medication?
    A history of hypothyroidism and use of thyroid replacement medication should not exclude program participation, as long as amount of thyroid medication is appropriate to what participants need.

    If overmedicated with thyroid medication, combined with another stimulant such as Phentermine,
    could exacerbate these symptoms.
  • Can I Use Phentermine if I am Pregnant, planning to be pregnant or Breastfeeding?
    Should Not use phentermine
    Those Women who are
    • pregnant,
    • planning to become pregnant
    • or who are breast-feeding.
  • Is Phentermine the Same as Fen-phen?
    Fen-phen is a combination of Fenfluramine & Phentermine popular from 1994 to 1997.

    • Associated with increased incidence of heart valve changes.
    • At request of FDA, Removed from U.S. market by manufacturers

    • Not associated with increased incidence of heart valve changes
    • On U.S. market since 1959.
  • Do You Recommend Buying Phentermine Over the Internet?
    If buying Phentermine from reputable US online source
    • Requires doctor’s prescription
    • You can probably assume getting a legitimate product.

    If buying phentermine from internet
    • With no visible address or overseas address
    • Which dispenses Phentermine based on an online physician consult,
    • Aside from the legal issues you may be taking a chance that the product is not real thing.
  • Does Phentermine Have Ephedrine in it?
    Phentermine does not have ephedrine in it.
    Phentermine and ephedrine are two separate medications.

    Phentermine is available only by prescription.

    Ephedrine was taken off market
    With Risks of stroke & heart attack.
  • Do I Need to Worry About Being on Phentermine if I get Drug Tested?
    By Showing an employer a letter from our program, stating participant is receiving medication as part of a physician supervised weight loss program.
    To the best of our knowledge, has been sufficient to avoid any problems.

    Phentermine could produce false-positive results for Amphetamine like drugs on a Urine-Tox screen. However, a follow-up test, such as Gas Chroma-tography, should then clarify that the drug is Phentermine and not an illicit substance.

    There are some professions such as airline pilot, where taking many medications including Phentermine are not allowed.
  • FAQ DISCLAIMER. FAQ should not be interpreted as medical advice.
    FAQ prepared by: Richard A. Nelson, M.D.
    • A Better Way Health Center Medical Director LINK
    • U.of MN Medical School LINK
    • Former NIH Staff Fellow & Guest Researcher LINK
    • 11 addiction related research publication at NIH LINK

    FAQ Based on
    • Phentermine literature review
    • 24 years experience
    • 21,000 participants
    • 120.000 office visits
A Better Way Health Center Reviews
6600 France Avenue South, Suite 600
Edina, MN 55435
From Northwest, West & Southwest Suburbs:
1. Take I-494, Hwy 169, or Hwy 100 to Hwy 62 east.
2. Take Hwy 62 east & exit at Valley View Road.
3. At the Traffic Light, turn right onto Valley View Road.
4. Drive south for 0.4 mile. Turn left into the SOC.*
5. Turn left and drive into the West Parking Lot.

From Mpls, No. St. Paul, North & Northeast Suburbs:
1. Take I-35W south and merge with Hwy 62 west.
2. Continue on Hwy 62 west & exit at France Avenue.
3. At the Traffic Light, turn left onto France Avenue.
4. Drive south for 0.4 mile. Turn right into the SOC.*
5. Turn right into the East Parking Lot.

From So. St. Paul, East, Southeast & South Suburbs:
1. Take I-494 west to 1 1/4 mi. west of I-494/I-35W jct.
2. Exit at France Avenue.
3. At the Traffic Light, turn right onto France Avenue.
4. Drive north for 1 1/4 miles. Turn left into the SOC.*
5. Turn right into the East Parking Lot.

*SOC = Southdale Office Centre
Contact us
A Better Way Health Center
6600 France Avenue South, Suite 600
Edina, MN 55435

Appointment Hours:
Monday: 8 am to 8 pm
Tuesday: 8 am to 8 pm
Wednesday: 8 am to 4 pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 7:30 am to 1 pm
Sunday: Closed
Please call
for appointment